(1) Warnings against
Mt 16:26; Lu 21:34; Ro 12:2; Co 3:2; Tit 2:12; Jas 4:4; 1Jo 2:15
--SEE Worldly Fulness, PROSPERITY
Prosperity, PROSPERITY
(2) Perilous, some of the Evil Effects of
Destroys the Influence of the Truth
Mt 13:22
Deludes Men into a State of False Security
Mt 24:38,39
Makes Earthly Affections Supreme
1Co 7:32,33
Moulds the Activities and Plans of Life
Eph 2:2
Leads to Religious Apostasy
2Ti 4:10; Jas 5:5
(B) SINFUL IMITATION of worldly people and customs condemned
In Committing Popular Sins
EX 23:2
In False Worship
De 12:30
In Bad Governmental Policies
1Sa 8:19,20
In Heathenish Practices
2Ki 17:15
In Following a Bad Example
Mt 23:2,3
(C) WORLDLY BUILDERS, examples of
Job 27:18; Jer 22:14; Da 4:30; Lu 6:49; 12:18
--SEE Men's Plans, PLANS
(D) UNWORLDLINESS, special references to
Ro 12:2; 1Co 7:31; Ga 6:14; 2Ti 2:4; Heb 11:24,25; 1Jo 2:15
--SEE Separation (4), SEPARATION