(1) Examples of Helpful

2Ch 28:15; Job 29:15,16; Pr 31:20; Isa 21:14; 50:4

Mt 25:35; Lu 10:34; 1Co 16:15,16; 2Co 1:11; Php 4:3

(2) Various Forms of, to which Men are Called

Working with God

Hag 2:4

Immediate Service

Mt 21:28

Individual Tasks

Mr 13:34

Abundant Labours

1Co 15:58

In the Field of their Own Lives

Php 2:12

In Evangelizing the World

2Ti 4:5

(3) Required According to Ability

Mt 25:22,23; Mr 14:8; Lu 12:48; 1Pe 4:11

(4) Wrought in Co-operation with God

1Sa 14:45; Mr 16:20; 1Co 3:9; 2Co 6:1

(5) Willingness, an Essential Element in

Jud 5:2; 8:25; Ne 11:2; Ps 110:3; Isa 1:19

2Co 8:3; 1Th 2:8

--SEE Obedience, OBEDIENCE

(6) Should be Carried to Completion

Zec 4:9; Joh 4:34; 17:4; 19:30; Ac 20:24; 2Ti 4:7



(1) God Demands

Ex 23:25; De 10:12; Jos 24:14; 1Ch 28:9; Ps 2:11; 100:2

1Co 15:58; Eph 6:7; Heb 12:28

(2) To be Rendered to Christ

Joh 12:26; 1Co 7:22; Eph 6:6; Php 1:1; Col 3:24

(3) The Duty of Serving Men

It Ennobles Life

Mr 10:43,44

It Exemplifies Neighbourliness

Lu 10:36,37

It is Christlike

Joh 13:14

It Demonstrates Love

Joh 21:16

It Lightens Life's Burdens

Ga 6:2,10

(4) Performed in Humility

Mt 10:42; Joh 12:3; Ac 20:18,19

(C) UNDIVIDED SERVICE, required by the Lord

1Sa 7:3; 2Ch 15:15; Mt 4:10; Lu 16:13

(D) IMMEDIATE SERVICE, examples of prompt response

to the call of duty


1Ki 19:20

Peter and Andrew

Mr 1:18

Peter's Mother-in-law

Lu 4:39


Lu 19:6

Paul after his Conversion

Ac 9:20; 10:29

Paul and Silas in Responding to the Macedonian Call

Ac 16:10; Gal 1:16


(E) JOY IN SERVICE, found by the faithful

Ne 12:43; Ps 40:8; 100:2; 126:5,6; Lu 10:17; Joh 4:36; Ac 11:23


Mt 20:28; Lu 22:27; Joh 13:4,5; Php 2:7


(1) Enjoined

Glorify God

Mt 5:16; Col 1:10

Enriched Life

1Ti 6:18

Furnish a Pattern for Imitation

Tit 2:7; 2:14; 3:8

Tend to Summons Others to their Tasks

Heb 10:24

Demonstrate the Reality of Faith

Jas 2:17,18; 1Pe 2:12



Righteousness, RIGHTEOUSNESS

(2) Examples of

Ne 13:14; Mt 25:35,36; 26:7,8,10; Ac 9:36; 1Th 1:3; Re 2:2

--SEE Righteousness (3), RIGHTEOUSNESS

Obedience (2), OBEDIENCE

(3) Insufficient to Secure Salvation

Mt 7:22,23; Ro 3:20; 9:32; 11:6; Gal 2:16; Eph 2:8,9

2Ti 1:9; Tit 3:4,5

--SEE Faith, FAITH

Grace (3), GRACE, DIVINE

(4) Special Commands Concerning Doing Good

Ps 34:14; 37:3,27; Lu 6:35; Ro 13:13; Gal 6:10; 1Ti 6:18

Heb 13:16; Jas 4:17; 1Pe 2:15; 3:11,17

(H) LABOURERS, SPIRITUAL, general references to

Prayer for the Increase of

Mt 9:37,38; 20:8

Great Opportunity Afforded to

Joh 4:35,36; 1Co 3:9

Worthy of Reward

1Ti 5:17,18

(I) WORKERS, PERSONAL, character of service rendered by

Bringing the Helpless to Christ

Mr 2:3

Winning Members of their own Household

Joh 1:41,42

Recommending Christ to Personal Friends

Joh 1:45

Inspiring other Workers

Ac 11:25,26

Saving Souls from Death

Jas 5:20

--SEE Zeal for Souls, EARNESTNESS

(J) SOUL-WINNERS, special references to the work done by

Displays the Highest Wisdom

Pr 11:30

Win a Radiant Crown

Da 12:3

Trained by Christ in a New Calling

Mt 4:19; Mr 1:17; Lu 5:10

Sacrifice Personal Rights and Privileges

1Co 9:19,20

Snatch Men as Brands from the Burning

Jas 5:20; Jude 23

--SEE Spiritual Harvest, REAPING

Zeal for Souls, EARNESTNESS

Promises to Workers, PROMISES, DIVINE

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