(A) MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS relating to (Select Reading Prov. 31)

Pr 31:1-31

(1) Creation and Temptation of

Ge 1:27; 2:22; 3:1,6,13; 2Co 11:3; 1Ti 2:14

(2) Rights of

Nu 27:1-8

(3) The Subjection of

Ge 3:16; 1Co 11:3; 14:34; Eph 5:22; 1Ti 2:11; 1Pe 3:1,5

(4) As Wives

Ge 2:18,24; Ps 128:3; Pr 12:4; 18:22; 19:14; 31:11

(5) Examples of the Persistence of

-- Delilah

Jud 16:16

-- The Shunammite

2Ki 4:30

-- The Syrophenician

Mr 7:26

-- The Widow

Lu 18:5

--, Duties of. SEE Wives Duties, HOME


(1) Manual Labour

Ex 35:25; Ru 2:7; 1Sa 8:13; Pr 31:13,24

(2) As Housekeepers

Ge 27:9; 1Sa 8:13; Pr 31:15; Lu 10:40

(3) Various Other fields of Activity

In Beautifying the tabernacle

Ex 35:25

-- acting as judges

Jud 4:4; 5:7

-- motherly duties

1Sa 2:19; 2KI 4:20

-- meeting an emergency and saving her household

1Sa 25:18

-- Philanthropy

Ac 9:36

-- serving the church

Ro 16:1,6; Php 4:3

(C) WOMAN'S MINISTRY, special sympathetic service rendered

Hospitality to the Prophet

2Ki 4:10

Kindness to the Poor

Pr 31:20

Contributing to Christ's Comfort

Mt 27:55,56

Anointing Christ

Mr 14:3

Washing the Saviour's Feet

Lu 7:37,38

Serving the Church

Ro 16:1,2

Co-Labourers with Paul

Ro 16:3,6,12; 1Ti 5:10

(D) PROPHETESSES, examples of

-- Miriam

Ex 15:20

-- Deborah

Jud 4:4

-- Huldah

2Ki 22:14

-- Noadiah

Ne 6:14

-- Anna

Lu 2:36

-- Daughters of Philip

Ac 21:9

(E) CHURCH WORKERS, general references to

-- Priscilla

Ac 18:26; Ro 16:3

-- Phebe

Ro 16:1,2

-- others

Php 4:3

-- As Queens. SEE Athaliah, ATHALIAH

Esther, ESTHER

Jezebel, JEZEBEL

Queen of Sheba, SHEBA, QUEEN OF

(F) NOTABLE WOMEN, characteristics of

Eve, the woman of curiosity

Ge 3:6

Hagar, the discarded wife SEE Hagar, HAGAR

Ge 21:14-19

Miriam, the ambitious woman SEE Miriam, MIRIAM

Nu 12:1,2

Deborah, the patriotic woman SEE Deborah, DEBORAH

Jud 4:4

Ruth, the woman of constancy SEE Ruth, ROSE

Ru 1:16

Hannah, the ideal mother SEE Hannah, HANNAH

1Sa 1:20; 2:19

Abigail, the capable woman SEE Abigail, ABIGAIL

1Sa 25:3

The Shunammite, the hospitable woman

2Ki 4:8-10

Esther, the self-sacrificing woman SEE Esther, ESTHER

Es 4:16

The Syrophenician, the woman of faith

Mt 15:28

Mary Magdalene, the transformed woman SEE Mary (b), MARY

Mr 16:1,9

Elisabeth, the humble woman SEE Elisabeth, ELISABETH

Lu 1:43

Mary, the woman chosen of God SEE Mary (a), MARY

Lu 1:30-38

Mary of Bethany, the woman immortalized by Christ

Mt 26:13; Lu 10:42

SEE Mary (c), MARY

Martha, the worried housekeeper SEE Martha, MARTHA

Lu 10:40

The Woman Evangelist

Joh 4:29

Dorcas, the benevolent seamstress SEE Dorcas, DORCAS

Ac 9:36

Lydia, the business woman

Ac 16:14,15


Last at the Cross

Mr 15:47

First at the tomb

Joh 20:1

First to proclaim the resurrection

Mt 28:8

First preacher to the Jews

Lu 2:37,38

Attended the first prayer-meeting

Ac 1:14

First to greet Christian Missionaries (Paul and Silas) in Europe

Ac 16:13

First European convert

Ac 16:14


(1) Incident to Motherhood

Ge 3:16; 35:16; Isa 13:8; 42:14; Joh 16:21; 1Th 5:3

(2) As Widows

Ru 1:3; 1Ki 17:9; 2Ki 4:1; Mr 12:42; Lu 2:37; 7:12; 18:3

Ac 6:1; 9:39

-- in Maternal Solicitude. SEE Maternal Love, HOME

Solicitude, HOME


(1) A Devotional Spirit

1Sa 1:15; 2Ki 22:14; Es 4:16; Lu 1:25,38,46; 2:36; 10:42

Ac 16:14; Ro 16:1,12

(2) Modesty

Ge 24:65; Es 1:11,12; 1Ti 2:9,10; 1Pe 3:1,2

(3) Liberality

Ex 35:25; Pr 31:20; Lu 8:2,3; 21:2-4; Joh 12:3; Ac 9:39

(4) Wisdom and Virtue

Pr 11:16; 12:4; 14:1; 31:10,30

--, For Love of, See HOME

--, Sympathy of, See WOMEN


(1) General References to

Jud 16:14; 1Ki 18:4; 19:2; 2Ki 11:1; 2Ch 15:16; Ne 13:26

Es 5:14; Job 2:9; Pr 22:14; Mt 14:6

--SEE Harlots, WOMEN


(2) Stir up Strife

Pr 19:13; 21:9; 25:24; 27:15

(K) TEMPTRESSES, examples of women who have enticed men to sin


Ge 3:6


Jud 16:6


1Ki 21:7,25


Es 5:14

Job's Wife

Job 2:9,10

"Strange Women"

Pr 5:3-5; Eze 13:18,19

Herodias and Salome

Mr 6:22


(1) General References to

Ge 34:31; Le 19:29; 21:14; De 23:18; 1Ki 3:16

--SEE Lasciviousness, IMPURITY

(2) Warnings against

Pr 2:18; 5:3; 6:24; 7:10; 29:3; Ho 4:14; Lu 15:30; 1Co 6:16

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