(1) Manifested in All Men

Nu 11:14; Mt 26:40; Joh 16:12; 1Co 3:2


(2) Renders Men Dependent upon God

2Ch 20:12; Ps 127:1; Jer 10:23; Joh 3:27; 15:5; 2Co 3:5

(B) HELPLESSNESS, physical and spiritual of man

Lu 13:11; Joh 5:7; 6:44; 15:5; Ac 3:2; Ro 5:6; 7:18

--SEE Human Limitations, LIMITATIONS, HUMAN

(C) MAN'S EXTREMITY, of weakness, becomes God's opportunity to help,

examples of

The Psalmist

Ps 116:6

The Disciples in the Storm

Mr 4:38; 6:48

The Sick Woman

Mr 5:25,26

The Father of the Demoniac

Mr 9:17,18; Joh 5:7

The Disciples Facing a Hungry Multitude

Joh 6:9

Peter in Prison

Ac 12:6

Paul and his Companions on the Sea

Ac 27:20

--SEE Deliverance Sought, DELIVERANCE

(D) POWERLESSNESS of men, often due to sin and unbelief

Israel could not stand before their enemies

Le 26:37; De 28:32; Jos 7:12; Jud 1:21; 2:14

A broken covenant stripped Samson of his strength

Jud 16:17

Apostasy produced a nation of cowards

1Sa 17:24

Babylon enervated by idolatry

Jer 51:30

Unbelief rendered the apostles helpless to contend with Satanic forces

Mr 9:18; Joh 15:5

(E) EFFEMINACY, general references to

Isa 19:16; Jer 50:37; 51:30; Na 3:13

(F) POWER SPIRITUAL, general references to

Gives Men Courage to Rebuke Sin

Mi 3:8

Mightier than Physical Forces

Zec 4:6

Jesus the Supreme Example of

Lu 4:14

Accompanies the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Ac 1:8; 2:2

Enables Men to Speak with Authority

Ac 4:33; 6:8

Fills Life with Healing Influences

Ac 19:11,12; 1Co 2:4; Eph 3:16; 1Th 1:5; 2Ti 1:7

--SEE Holy Spirit, HOLY SPIRIT

(G) STRENGTH, moral and spiritual promised

2Sa 22:40; Isa 28:5,6; Isa 40:31; 41:10; Da 11:32

Eph 3:16; Col 1:11

--SEE Invincibility, BATTLE OF LIFE


Ps 8:2; 1Co 1:27; 2Co 12:9,10; 13:4; Heb 11:33,34


Ex 15:2; 2Sa 22:33; Ps 28:8; 46:1; 73:26; 81:1; 84:5; 89:21

--SEE Confidence in God, FAITH



Isa 63:1


Mt 9:6


Mt 28:18

Over Nature

Lu 8:25

Over his own Life

Joh 10:18


Joh 17:2


Ac 10:38

Demonstrated by his Resurrection

Ro 1:4; Heb 1:3

--SEE Christ, Creator, CHRIST JESUS

Christ's Touch, ASSOCIATION


(1) General References to

1Ch 29:12; 2Ch 25:8; Job 26:12; Ps 62:11; 65:6; 93:4; Na 1:3

Ro 16:25,27

--SEE Divine Ability, POWER

(2) Is Infinite

Job 42:2; Ps 115:3; 135:6; Isa 43:13; Hab 3:6

Mt 19:26; Mr 14:36; Lu 1:37; Re 19:6

(3) Special References to Divine Ability

Able to Deliver

Da 3:17

-- to raise up children from stones

Lu 3:8

-- to fulfil promises

Ro 4:21

-- to make grace abound

2Co 9:8

-- to do exceeding abundantly

Eph 3:20

-- to subdue all things

Php 3:21

-- to guard the soul's treasures

2Ti 1:12

-- to save to the uttermost

He 7:25

-- to keep from falling

Jude 24

(4) Enables God to use Weak Instrumentalities to accomplish Great


A rod

Ex 4:2

A jaw-bone

Jud 15:15

Five smooth stones

1Sa 17:40

A handful of meal and a little oil

1Ki 17:12

A cloud the size of a man's hand

1Ki 18:44

Small things

Zec 4:10

The mustard seed

Mt 13:32

Five barley loaves

Joh 6:9

God's Instrument Case

1Co 1:27-29


(1) Exhibited by Christ, general examples of

In multiplying the loaves

Mt 14:20

-- walking on the sea

Mt 14:25

-- discovering the tribute money

Mt 17:27

-- blighting the fig-tree

Mt 21:19

-- stilling the tempest

Mr 4:39

-- turning water into wine

Joh 2:7

(2) The Sea Controlled

Job 26:10; 38:8,11; Ps 33:7; 104:9; Pr 8:29; Jer 5:22

(3) The Tempest Stilled

Ps 65:7; 89:9; 107:29; Jon 1:15; Mt 8:26; 14:32

(4) The Wind ruled

Ps 148:8; Pr 30:4; Mr 4:39

(5) General References to the Control of the Elements

Ge 7:4; Ex 9:33; De 11:17; Job 37:6; Ps 148:8; Jer 10:13

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