WATER OF LIFE (Select Readings Eze Ch 47; Rev Ch 22)
Eze 47:1-23; Re 22:1-21
(1) General References to
So 4:15; Isa 49:10; 55:1; Jer 17:13
Issuing from God's House
Eze 47:1; Joe 3:18
Unaffected by Time and Season
Zec 14:8
Christ the Source of
Joh 4:10
Satisfies the Deepest Needs
Joh 7:37,38
The Supply Inexhaustible
Re 7:17
Makes Life Fruitful
Re 22:1,2
Universal Call to Partake of
Re 22:17
--SEE Thirst Satisfied, SATISFACTION
(2) Compared to a brook
Ps 110:7
-- to a well
Isa 12:3
-- a fountain
Jer 2:13
-- a river
Eze 47:5
--SEE Fountain of Life, FOUNTAIN OF LIFE