Dictionaries of Hebrew and Greek Words taken from
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
James Strong, S.T.D., LL.D.
Public Domain -- Copy Freely
For a hundred years Strong's Dictionaries have been popular with Bible students.
By assigning numbers to each unique word in the Old and New Testaments and
listing each word with its number, Strong produced a standard, still used today,
for referencing definitions. Bible students, with little or no knowledge of
Greek and Hebrew, are able to use Strong's numbers to learn about the Greek and
Hebrew of the Bible.
ASCII e-text version:
The files for this e-text were produced by Michael Grier, mgrier@pdnt.com,
in 1996, and download from http://members.tripod.com/~SoftIdeas, in
February 1998. The files have been setup for importing into the Online
Bible for DOS. But to make these files into generic text files, all that
is needed is to replace the terms "GREEK" and "HEBREW" with "Greek" and
"Hebrew" or the names of the appropriate files.
The e-text has been changed from the printed version in three ways.
1) A five digit Strong's word number with leading zeros has been placed before
each entry.
2) Where Strong provides the number of another word for etymology,
a line with "see GREEK for" or "see HEBREW for" and the number, has been
added after Strong's entry for the word. (This is for use after
importing into the DOS version of Online Bible, but also provides a good
way to programmatically add links.)
3) The abbreviations used by Strong in the
Greek dictionary, (not Hebrew) have been replaced by the abbreviated words.
Michael Grier did a check of the e-text against a printed Strong's dictionary.
The work seems clean but more proofreading is needed to certify it clean from
Further info:
If you are looking for Strong's that will self install into the Online
Bible see:
Michael Grier
If any errors are located, please ensure you have the latest files,
and if so, we would appreciate being informed of the error.
Bible Foundation
or the e-text Library